Getting Started


Navigator IC will help you determine the risk of classifying someone as an independent contractor.  After users fill out evaluations, a detailed report is automatically produced that explains the risk level, how to lower your risk, and the relevant laws.

If you would like to learn more about Creating an Independent Contractor Program Supported by Navigator IC, please refer to this page for additional guidance and support. 

nav ic card

Before jumping in, here are a few things to consider:

  • Do you have policy and procedure in place for using the solution before bringing on new contractors?
  • Do you want to fill out evaluations yourself or assign them out to others?  You can find more information about creating and assigning out evaluations under Creating an Evaluation.
  • If you're assigning out evaluations, do you have a plan for internally communicating the purpose of the evaluations before sending them?
  • What steps will you take after receiving the risk report?  For example, do you have a plan for handling high-risk vs low-risk outcomes? There's more information about the risk report under the Evaluation Report.