Navigator IC: Creating an Evaluation - Instructions and Video

Navigator IC (1)

There are two ways you can start a new evaluation: 

 1. You can click the "Create New Evaluation" link on your landing page.

      2. Or you can click "
View Evaluations
      " and then click "
+ New Evaluation...


Next, enter a brief description and work state of the contractor for the engagement, along with the Contractor Details. 

This should be the state where the work is being performed. The solution is US based only; if the contractor is living abroad doing work for the US, international rules are not applied.


Finally, determine the evaluation workflow. There are 4 scenarios. 

Scenario 1

The Admin assigns a questionnaire to the Manager and one to the potential Contractor by selecting “Someone else will” - entering the Manager’s email address and “Yes” to having the prospective contractor completing the questionnaire and entering the contractor’s email address. 


Scenario 2

The Admin completes the questionnaire, rather than the Mgr, by selecting “I will” and sends one to the potential Contractor by selecting “Yes” to having the prospective contractor complete the questionnaire and entering the contractor’s email address. 


For the above Scenarios

As each person receives a different variation of the questionnaire, there may be overlapping questions. The final report reconciles the answers by determining the more conservative answer for each overlapping question, and then it produces a risk score. Only the Admin will see that final score.


Scenario 3

Assign the full questionnaire to only the Manager by selecting “Someone else will” and “No” to having the potential contractor complete a questionnaire.


Scenario 4

Complete the full questionnaire as the Admin by selecting “I will” and “No” to have the potential contractor complete a questionnaire. 


Once your workflow has been selected, click Submit. 

After submitting your Evaluation Workflow, you may begin the questionnaire or return to the dashboard.


Watch this short video: